The Accountants Have Crisis Too. On April 15 – Tax Return Filing, can they handle it? Accounting Industry is not only for CPA’s but also for Non-CPA’s – we are all accountants. Accountants have been an instrument in helping the country raise funds and collections. But We have a crisis in the accounting industry. Fraud exists in our profession and; 1. We are calling the PRC to make more effective policies and regulation implementation to prevent, detect and control fraud by accountants (CPA and Non-CPA alike). Also to make policies for minimum fees for public practitioners and/or salary for accountants to maintain their independence and avoid fraud. 2. We are calling those who are doing fraud to stop this kind of activity that damages the reputation of our profession. 3. We are calling all honest accountants whose reputations were also damaged because of issues done by few, to join us in our campaign. 4. We are calling young professional accountants to resist ethical issues and become watchdogs to uphold the code of ethics we have taken an oath to. 5. We are calling students to become future Professionals of the Future – Extraordinary and Heroic. As accountants, we can make the right adjustments and create positive results in our country. Join us and let us hold hands in this campaign for 1 Million Extraordinary-Heroic Filipinos for the fraud-free Philippines. Together, we can make the Philippines a great country again. JOIN US! LIKE AND SHARE THIS VIDEO. #NeilandAlinaSison #ProfessionalinPajamas #AccountantinPajamas #ProfessionalsoftheFuture #HeroicProfessionals #ExtraordinaryProfessionals #FraudFreePhilippines #Accountants
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